Participation Agreement
1. All entrants acknowledge that they enter in the Corporate Cup entirely at their own risk.
2. In consideration of and as a condition of acceptance of our entry in the Corporate Cup for ourselves, our respective heirs, executors and administrators, we and each of us severally hereby waive all and any claim, right or, causes of action and forever release and discharge all persons, corporations and bodies involved or otherwise engaged in promoting or staging the event and the servants, agents and representatives and officers or all or any of them which we or more of us our respective, heirs, executors and administrators might otherwise have for or arising out of: i) loss of life or injury, damage or loss of any description whatsoever and howsoever caused suffered or sustained in the course of, consequence upon or incidental to our entry or participation in the said event, and (ii) any publication, or use in any form of media whatsoever, of our or any one or more of our names, photographs, or activities in, or incidental to our entry or participation in the said event and whether for advertising or otherwise.
3. The above release and discharge shall be and operate separately in favour of all person, corporations and bodies involved or otherwise engaged in promoting or staging the said event and the servants, agents, representatives, and officers of all and any of them and includes but is not limited to ACHPER SA (Australian Council for Health, Physical Education & Recreation South Australia), City of Adelaide and any other sponsors.
4. Privacy Information: This information is collected by ACHPER SA (Event Owner) and will be stored on a Corporate Cup database. You can obtain access to this information by contacting ACHPER SA.
Terms and Conditions of Entering
Please understand and respect these conditions of entering.
1. You and your team understand that the Corporate Cup has zero toleration for not playing by the rules. Manipulating times, taking short cuts, holding multiple cards, using somebody else’s card or submitting other participant’s times will result in disqualification of your whole team for the offending round.
2. It is the participant’s responsibility to make sure a time has been recorded before they leave the event site (CBD and Mawson Lakes) or uploaded to the online portal during the specified time (Semaphore and KM Tracker). If a time has not be submitted or recorded, no times will be recorded for that round.
3. Times will only be recorded and accepted for participating at the registered location and on the day of that round. Times will not be accepted if participants do not compete on the day of the event and at the registered location (excluding KM Tracker Category).
4. Early bird registrations to be paid in full before 5pm (ACST) on the 19th June 2024. All unpaid invoices at 5pm, 19th June 2024 will increase to the standard registration rate. Organisations requiring 30 days notice must register 30 days prior to the 19th June to receive the early bird rate.
5. Standard registrations must be paid in full before 5pm (ACST) on the 24th July 2024. All unpaid invoices at 5pm, 24th July 2024 will increase to the last minute registration rate. Organisations requiring 30 days notice must register 30 days prior to the 24th July to receive the standard rate.
6. All overdue team registrations stated by the due date on invoices will incur a $40 late fee (Last minute rate). Unpaid Individual registrations stated by the due date on invoice will incur a $10 late fee (last minute rate)
7. Entry payment must be made before the first event.
8. Registrations withdrawn after Monday 8th July 2024 will incur a $50 cancellation fee for team registrations or $15 for individual registrations. Registrations withdrawn after the event has commenced will be charged at 50% of the total registration fee.
9. Cancelled registrations that received a free t-shirt and Corporate Cup materials must be returned in good condition. Damaged or lost materials will be invoiced for loss or damages incurred.